I want to share what a terrific start to the year I enjoyed at a Values Celebration in Edinburgh. Thanks to all involved for sharing stories across the campuses and demonstrating how important this is for all our staff. How we think and talk and plan with each other is core to our success and our personal motivation in this new year. Our language, attitude and mutual respect is so critical to create a positive workplace for ourselves and our students. I am certainly continuing to focus on ensuring our values are embedded throughout our University as I enjoy meeting colleagues in the coming weeks. I will be continuing my ‘Let’s Talk’ sessions on all campuses this year to listen to your views, and I invite you to join me for these.
I am also pleased open briefing meetings for colleagues will become a regular feature across all our campuses to provide updates on the big issues the University is facing. These forums provide an important opportunity for discussions with senior leaders and are already well established in Dubai and Malaysia. They are being added to the University calendar in Scotland and details of the Executive briefing session for UK colleagues about pensions will be issued shortly. I encourage you to take the opportunity to get involved.

One thing for sure is that the year ahead will continue to hold great opportunity for the whole University against a backdrop of the significant economic challenge facing higher education overall. Every corner of our University understands the local political and regional issues that may affect our aspirations, but the important thing is that collectively we share a plan and 2020 will see further progress to deliver our Strategy 2025 ambitions. Some of the important activities and opportunities ahead include:
Staff Support and Development. Our Learning and Teaching Academy, Research Futures Forum and Enterprise Hub (GRID) are all now fully operational to provide personal support for staff at all campuses in development programmes and meet-ups. They are designed to enable the development of professional communities through co-creation and workshops. The research landscape is changing fast and we need to adapt rapidly to the different funding and partnering protocols as we fulfil our future ambitions to hone new global research institutes.
Academic Portfolio. A portfolio review is looking at how we can ensure our educational offer at undergraduate and postgraduate level is aligned with what students and society need and want. Directors of Learning and Teaching in Schools followed by the Senate will be discussing this important matter so we can start to implement changes during the next six months.
The Academic Year. This semester we have initiated a review of how we can ensure we are aligned with what students want to study. This is a complex area now as we have a multiplicity of different access pathways, start times, part-time study, blended on-line study, new executive and development programmes. The review is being led by Professor Sawkins and will report in September, but we will also seek to address any short-term opportunities along the way.
On-Line Campus. A major report on stepping-up digital enablement to support on-campus and off-campus study will report during the first half of the year as we seek to develop virtual campus tools. The purpose is to enable new flexible learning pathways and connectivity with each other and with business and employers.
Dubai Campus. You will be aware that Dubai is undergoing a major change, and planning is well underway for the move to the new campus located in Knowledge Park, within the heart of the business community. This is a big move and an exciting and important project for the whole University.
Bicentenary 2021. Our 200th anniversary is an important year for us, and I am placing a personal focus on supporting the development of a funding campaign and ensuring we have celebration events across our community next year. There are important funding projects and commitments such as the Student Life Building in Edinburgh and funding to enable growth of scholarships and travel support for all campus locations.
Expo2020. This spectacular event is taking place in Dubai (October 2020 – April 2021) and with the support of the Scottish Government we are major sponsors of the UK Pavilion. We will be showcasing to the world our student Solar Decathlon project and our specialist education and research in robotics, AI and smart construction.
Structures. Now our strategy and portfolio review is underway, it is timely to look again at the structures to support and streamline our objectives, to be joined up globally and to gain benefit from building our commonality. To accomplish this, there will be some re-tuning of the University Executive and other operational structures.
Sustainability. This is a topic of vital importance on everyone’s minds. I wish to see us as a University take a stronger leadership position on this, both strategically and operationally. I will be communicating widely on this in coming months. It’s an area of strength for us where we can work together to influence the most important and effective actions required to address climate change on a global and local level.
I look forward to meeting you around the campuses this year.
Richard A. Williams
Principal and Vice-Chancellor