During the extensive consultations we’ve been doing for Strategy 2025, we’ve heard from you that our values matter. As we launch a new strategy for the whole university we are therefore refreshing the way in which we articulate our values. In ensuring that Strategy 2025 builds on our values, two themes have recurred in multiple workshops and meetings.

The first is that Strategy 2025 should see Heriot-Watt operate in ways which are demonstrably led by our values. Both in our major decisions and in our everyday activities, we should each be able to explain how our values underpin the way we work.

The second was a strong sense that our values carried the right ethos but would benefit from some editing to make them more active and dynamic and memorable.

We currently have five values and they have been in place for a decade.

  1. Valuing and Respecting Everyone
  2. Pride and Belonging
  3. Pursuing Excellence
  4. Shaping the Future 
  5. Outward Looking

Our consultations established three things.

Firstthat greater consistency of format would be helpful with a particular focus on making our values simpler and/or shorter.

Second, that our values should reflect our status as a place of research and learning.

Third, that our values should be expressed in ways which were more obviously actionable.

From open workshops held in September we’ve developed the four values below and mapped how they relate to our existing values.

  1. Community
    We celebrate our diverse international community of staff and students
  2. Creativity
    Ideas matter; through excellence in research and teaching we transform lives
  3. Challenge
    Respectful, collaborative challenge is at the heart of everything we do
  4. Courage
    We have the confidence to make a difference

Our Heriot-Watt Values

As we move to finalise Strategy 2025 it would be great to hear your views on the refreshed values.

What feedback or advice would you offer on the values? 
Submit your comments below.


Professor Gill Hogg
Deputy Principal (External Relations)

Julie Dickson
Head of Organisational Development