We have had a huge amount of very helpful feedback on our values and it’s clear that the values we’ve had for the last 7 years have resonated with many of our colleagues. It is also clear that there is support for a refresh.

Having consulted widely, there was no consensus on the form or individual words the values should include, but we were able to identify general principles to guide our refresh.

These were

  • The values should be active
  • They should be personal
  • We want to be an organisation that is values led, not just has values
  • They should reflect the fact we are a university
  • They should be the ‘golden thread’ that runs through our strategy
  • They should be applicable to both staff and students

Having reflected on the extensive consultation and feedback received, the UE has therefore agreed that the values should be verbs (‘doing words’).

They are

Belong to a diverse, inclusive and international community working together across boundaries and cultures
Inspire curiosity to learn and find solutions that transform lives
Collaborate by working in partnership to shape the future whilst taking responsibility for our own actions
Celebrate excellence and take pride in the achievements of our students, staff and alumni

HWU Our new values

These clearly map to our previous values

Belong – Pride and Belonging, Valuing and Respecting Everyone
Inspire – Shaping the Future, Pursuing Excellence
Collaborate – Shaping the Future, Outward looking
Celebrate – Valuing and Respecting Everyone, Shaping the Future

I hope you will agree that these values describe the university community we want to be and will underpin Strategy 2025.

Professor Gillian Hogg
Deputy Principal
Pro-Vice Chancellor
Staff Development and Engagement